Form by xrstudio : February 28, 2021February 28, 2021 Form Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.The Parties have failed to agree on the appointment of an/a Arbitrator/Mediator/Conciliator/Facilitator/Expert/Neutral as required under their agreement in this matter, details of which are set out in the Request that has been filed herein.I/We *FirstLastand *FirstLasthereby mutually request the JAIAC to appointMEDIATORCONCILIATORNEUTRAL EVALUATORFACILITATOREXPERT DETERMINATORADJUDICATORARBITRATORCLAIMANT’S INFORMATIONClaimant *FirstLastAddressClaimantEmail *ClaimantPhoneClaimantRESPONDENT’S INFORMATIONName *FirstLastRespondentAddressRespondentEmail *RespondentPhoneRespondentINDEMINITY CLAUSEI/We further certify that in making the appointment as requested by the Parties, no liability will attach to the JAIAC or any of their servant or agents in respect of any fees, costs or expenses connected with this matter, including any fees that may become payable to the appointed [MEDIATOR/CONCILIATOR/FACILITATOR/NEUTRAL EVALUATOR/EXPERT DETERMINATOR/ADJUDICATOR/ARBITRATOR].Claimant SignatureClear SignatureDateSubmit